Friday 7 October 2011

The Glorious GORM Bathtub Front Panel

Materials: 5 GORM Shelves (Dimension W:31cm, H:50cm), 8 Jointing plates, 16 Screws, 4 Jack Pads, 4 Rubber Anti-Vibration Mounts, (2-4 small magnets), Glue, Wood Sealer, Paint

This is how I made a front panel for my bath tub out of GORM shelves.


The GORM Bathtub Front Panel is made from 5 Gorm shelves (31cmx50cm), joined together with joining plates. The GORM shelves were sealed with wood sealer, otherwise the wood grain will bleed through the paint and cause yellow stains.

After sealing, I painted my front panel glossy white. Using glossy paint is the practical option in a bathroom. The finish is also similar to the natural gloss of the enamel tub, making the look coherent.

Lastly put the front panel in place, making sure there's a distance between the front panel and the floor, to avoid any direct contact with water. I hung my panel on a couple of hooks that were already on my tub. A great option for those without hooks is to simply glue 2-4 magnets to the top of the panel and it will cling to the enamel ledge.

The GORM Bathtub Front Panel is easy and cheap to make. The slots in the paneling of GORM enables the natural "breathing", something that's necessary in the humid environment of the bathroom. It's light, meaning I no longer have to break my back when cleaning under the tub, and it's easy to customize to the look of your bathroom!

The GORM range have been narrowed down lately, and that the specific shelves I used have been discontinued (hence, the sale this summer..). However, there are still GORM shelves 77cmx51cm and 77cmx31cm to play with!

Good Luck with your own Glorious GORM projects!

See step by step instructions for the Gorm bathtub front panel.

~ Filippa Malmegard, Stockholm, Sweden

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