Friday, 24 October 2008

Rustic flooring for the bathroom

Chris saves his pink bathroom with some outdoor decking. It turns out pretty good, with an almost rustic 'spa' look.

He says, "The wife and I just moved into a new rental, and it was perfect, except for the bathroom: pink countertop, sink, tub, and toilet. Even worse, the floor was 1960's era church-kitchen linoleum (white and beige and brown random shaped flecks). It was really cold after getting out of the shower, and was just ugly as hell. Obviously, since we don't own the place, putting down better permanent flooring wasn't an option, but I definitely wanted to do something. Strolling the maze at Ikea one day, I stumbled across the Platta (can't find the link on Ikea's website) outdoor decking. It's $7 for each 18 inch section. Obviously, the bathroom floor isn't a rectangle in multiples of 18 inches, so I borrowed a jigsaw and some expertise, and this is the result.


Apparently, though, Ikea says that this wood (acacia) is only for outdoor use, since the color can leech out and stain whatever it's on. So I put down some clear visqueen first."

See Chris' rustic bathroom floor set on flickr.

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